Download jpgMovie

Use the links below to download the required jpgMovie file(s).
Human-readable files have names like jpgMovieFlexiblePlayer.js.
We also have minified versions of the files, e.g. jpgMovieFlexiblePlayer-min.js, that have no spaces - these files are the ones best suited for use on your finalized website as they download more quickly and give your users the best possible experience.

Once you have a copy of the file(s) you need, upload it/them to your website and visit our tutorial to get you started.

We have help pages, but if you need further support you can reach us by email at

Flexible Player (any dimensions/no slider)
This player can be used with any size photos and the player will wrap neatly around it:
or jpgMovieFlexiblePlayer-min.js
Circular Player (267x200 pixel photos)
This player can only be used with 267pixel by 200pixel photos:
or jpgMovieCircular267x200Player-min.js
Large Circular Player (400x300 pixel photos)
This player can only be used with 400pixel by 300pixel photos:
or jpgMovieCircular400x300Player-min.js
All Circular Players
A convenience download with all size circular players in it, just use the one you need by making the correct jpgMovieFactory() call:
or jpgMovieAllCircularPlayers-min.js
Flexible Player (any dimensions/with slider)
This player has a "slider" that reflects how far through the movie is, users can also drag the slider fowards or backwards to change position.

This player uses the "prototype" and "scriptaculous" libraries to add the slider functionality to the player.
or jpgMovieFlexibleSliderPlayer-min.js

If your website already uses "prototype" and "scriptaculous" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate those external libraries for you.
or jpgMovieFlexibleSliderPlayer-noexternals-min.js
Narrow Player (267x200 pixel photos with slider)
This player has a "slider" that reflects how far through the movie is, users can also drag the slider fowards or backwards to change position.
It is not as wide as the flexible player for those times when space is at a premium.

This player uses the "prototype" and "scriptaculous" libraries to add the slider functionality to the player.
or jpgMovieNarrow267x200Player-min.js

If your website already uses "prototype" and "scriptaculous" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate those external libraries for you.
or jpgMovieNarrow267x200Player-noexternals-min.js
Narrow Player (400x300 pixel photos with slider)
This player has a "slider" that reflects how far through the movie is, users can also drag the slider fowards or backwards to change position.
It is not as wide as the flexible player for those times when space is at a premium.

This player uses the "prototype" and "scriptaculous" libraries to add the slider functionality to the player.
or jpgMovieNarrow400x300Player-min.js

If your website already uses "prototype" and "scriptaculous" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate those external libraries for you.
or jpgMovieNarrow400x300Player-noexternals-min.js
Thumbnail Player (any size images)
This player shows the user a thumbnail of each image in the collection and shows them the full size image when the users clicks on the thumbnail.

or jpgMovieThumbnailPlayer-min.js
Slideshow Player (any size images)
This player is designed for slower playing movies when you want a softer merge between images.
Also see: The Banner Player below

This player uses the "jQuery" library to fadeIn/fadeOut the photos to perform the merge.
or jpgMovieSlideshowPlayer-min.js

If your website already uses "jQuery" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate that external library for you.
or jpgMovieSlideshow-noexternals-min.js
Banner Player (any size images)
This player is designed to be used as a banner on a website page, e.g. we offer this service and this service and this service, etc. It adds no borders whatsoever around your images so be sure you include a standard border in each image you want to use as a banner. It incorporates a softer merging of the images without using jQuery (for page load performance).

or jpgMovieBannerPlayer-min.js
Frameless Player (any size images)
This player is the narrowest (in fact smallest overall) player we have.
It caters for photos/frames of any dimension (just like the flexible player).

or jpgMovieFramelessPlayer-min.js
Frameless Player with slider
This player has a "slider" that reflects how far through the movie is, users can also drag the slider fowards or backwards to change position.
It is smaller than all other slider enabled players.
It even has a built in speed adjuster that allows your viewers to partially customize the experience you're delivering.

This player uses the "prototype" and "scriptaculous" libraries to add the slider functionality to the player.
or jpgMovieFramelessSliderPlayer-min.js

If your website already uses "prototype" and "scriptaculous" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate those external libraries for you.
or jpgMovieFramelessSliderPlayer-noexternals-min.js
All Players in one file
A convenience download that includes all of our players in one file.
Some of the players in this file use the "prototype" and "scriptaculous" libraries to add slider functionality.
or jpgMovieAllPlayers-min.js

If your website already uses "prototype", "scriptaculous" and "jQuery" we also have a download available that doesn't duplicate those external libraries for you.
or jpgMovieAllPlayers-noexternals-min.js

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